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Sorry I don't have an even bigger Apocalypse standing over her in this one. Going forward I will be scheduling main posts for the 10th and 20th of July and August. I should be back in the saddle by September, but if that's not the case then I'll pause the page until I'm able to post regularly again.

On top of having surgery in 3 days (unless they reschedule it last minute again), there's a very serious health crisis in my family so it's turning out to be REALLY stressful week, guys. (Edit: It's probably not going to have a good outcome, but thanks for the well wishes. More an issue of navigating what's happening.) Thanks for all your support and I hope you look forward to the continued misadventures of Blueberry!Rogue.

One other thing. I may wait until after I've recovered a bit, but I have been working on getting a store up and running so I can sell my older comics and such again. I'll be posting the link to that either in the next day or two or in a few weeks when I'm able to oversee it a little better.

Happy summer, friends and neighbors! Make sure to watch Jaws on the Fourth of July! Independence Day is also allowed for those who are unable to watch Jaws. You have your orders. Dismissed.
