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Hey guys, as of 3/17/2024 I have delisted all of my artpacks and comics on Gumroad but I will keep my store active in case they ever change their policies back. Not sure what it going to happen with it. But in the mean time I'm gonna do some research and figure out where the next place will be so these things can have a second life. Thanks to everybody who has made a purchase from there in the past. I can't express how much fun it's been, and how educational, spending hundreds of hours on those projects. Incredible experience and I'm glad so many of you enjoyed them. :)

Oh, and I'm working on Emma Part 2 right now, and it will DEFINITELY be animated. I think I can pull off something pretty ambitious with her. ;)

OH! And Happy St. Patrick's Day!


copy/pasta-ing from Deviantart:

Hey everybody. Since America was founded by literal Puritans, Gumroad is now changing its policies that there can be no NSFW media sold through it at all, including fetish illustrations, thanks to the restrictions of their transaction partners that think that sex is icky. Apparently touching your bathing suit area while looking at fictional pretty ladies turning blue is indecent.

Until I am forced to close it down, which will likely be within a day or two (Gumroad was apparently given 24 hour notice by Paypal that they had to change their policies), use code "fuckgumroad" at checkout for 35% off of all of my art packs on there. I will let y'all know when I find a different store to upload things on to, including everything currently on Gumroad. I guess that's where Zelda will end up being rolled to when she's done! 🙃 🫐 I know it's not Gumroad's fault exactly, entities like Paypal and Stripe are backed by banking interests and yadda yadda, but like, come on. Grow a fucking spine, and that's coming from somebody who doesn't even have a functioning one.

Anyway, thanks to everybody who has ever supported me on there these past 3 years or will in the little time left. It's been a hell of an adventure spending hundreds of hours of my life working on these insanely fun projects. Here's to the next online store that will also eventually be shut down by monied interests! 🍸


That's "fuckgumroad" at


35% off of everything.



Dang, and here i am having paid full price for all of them already, haha.


if i didnt own everything i would buy it all! maybe i’ll buy a few for fun anyway :) (would gladly pay for first day jitters 1000 times)