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Hello Everyone,

This year for the Christmas holidays Rose went to her family home in Paris along with her boyfriend, as has been their tradition for the past few years. This time is a little different because her brother Leon is also returning home after his kidnapping and rescue by Rose, Laura and the rest of their team. Needless to say Rose's parents were happy to have their son safe home after all he went through, and were even more ecstatic when they saw him arrive holding hands with Laura. They surely did not expect to meet another woman with powers similar to their daughter's, much less one even taller who dwarfs their young son.

The one left speechless was Leon's twin brother, who is now sorely envious of his brother for having such an incredible woman at his side.

The trip will bring the Dumonts a much needed rest and joyous experiences after the turmoil they've been through. Laura is more than happy to be a part of it although she knows the hard painful part is just a few days away, when she has to board the plane back to Key Lake City and live Leon behind.


Everyone it is my greatest wish that you all have a wonderful holiday season, regardless of each of our individual faiths, the holidays are meant to celebrate what unites us and the hope for things to be better between us all. With the world seemingly spawning social fires all around, we need all the good will, compassion, love, and camaraderie as we can get, no matter the source.

Be good, be safe, be happy.

Happy Holidays!






What a cute Xmas pic 🌲🥰 Merry Christmas Kurt

John Alamo

Is there a non AI version ?


Actually no, at least not a complete one. This was an experiment to see if I could generate complete wardrobes and decorations from scratch using AI. The original image was rendered with them pretty much naked (without naughty parts). It was pretty much to see if it could be done, to "draw" a piece of garment without having to purchase it and modify a 3d asset to fit their unique bodies; it worked but it took a whole lot more effort and time than anticipated. Not exactly worth it for regular use (and completely insane to try for a comic), but as an experiment and learning experience was pretty cool. You can expect to see things like this from time to time but not often.