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Hello everyone,

We know the Murphy sisters, Cassandra and Catherine: towering titans in their early thirties known for their superhuman strength and stature. But did you know there was a time when these awe-inspiring women were just schoolgirls, standing head and shoulders above their peers? Born as Omega Meta Humans, their extraordinary abilities were always on display. Yet, their school days were surprisingly ordinary.

Catherine, the elder by a year, graduated first, with Cassandra following suit. Although not as statuesque as they are now, they were still the tallest in school, dwarfing in height and musculature even the teachers and basketball stars.

Here's a quirky tidbit: During her graduation, an excited Cassandra threw her cap a tad too high. It never returned. Fast forward 13 years, and the Voyager 1 probe captures an image of a charred blue graduation cap zooming past it, leaving scientists scratching their heads. That's right, Cassandra's cap is now the fastest human-made object, surpassing a probe from 1977!





Kim Danver

Woah ! 😍 Now I'm waiting that AI could make these two alpha showing their strength in some action. 😉