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Hello everyone,

To say I've been very excited about the emerging and rapidly evolving AI technologies would be a big understatement.

I've been using it to polish newer renders to create more realistic images (although realistic is quite a strange term to use about women over 7 feet tall, immense muscles, and overly exaggerated feminine features). I also found I can take older low quality images I've done long ago and bring them up in quality.

Here are the results.






Melanie Murphy is my favorite


There is still room for improvement: it seems like the AI tool just uses one filter for different body parts that have different angles, the tool is quite coarse. Especially the skin/fat wrinkles seems ugly to me, AI betrays itself in these details. Overall it leaves an impression on me due to what could be called the 'calculation effect' which I tried to describe above. It's a challenge to mask this effect as much as possible to render the art as realistic as possible (although there could be other ends).

John Alamo

What is the original image of the Ebony Head Crush ?