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Hello everyone,

I'm working on integrating AI post-processing into my character rendering pipeline. I'm not planning to do works 100% in AI but just adding an AI finish to our girls to give them a new shine.

At the moment I'm testing a lot of things out and seeing what I can do and what can't (at the moment) and I am very pleasantly surprised at all the potential to do cool things with this new technology.

The following is a collection of older images and their AI enhanced counterparts. Hope you enjoy them.

Melanie and her two daughters



Four of the adult Bunny sisters - Pamela, Tammy, Leyla and Violet



I've also been playing with much older images done in a traditional 2D fashion.

Rose on a boxing ring



K'Ssandra Moonwhisper, a World of Warcraft Night Elf Warrior playable character I play with sometimes and of whom I made an image a long time ago. It was one of my first patreon rewards a long time ago.







Crisna Alaircon

Is it possible to use an animation and "update" the frames using an AI?


I think there is work being done to create animations with AI. I honestly haven't tried it so my knowledge on the subject is limited. This type of image generation is not 100% consistent, that is, if you tell it to generate the same image (even with the same seed), every time there are going to be some differences. Depending on the method used, the differences can be slight, but are still there. For single images they are no issue, but in animation of 24 - 30 images per second, it might be perceived as jittering or noise and could be distracting. But like I said, I know there are many projects to make AI animation a thing and when they get it to work its going to be a game changer.

John Alamo

Which one is Leyla ?