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Hello everyone,

Here we have a short 14 page comic of Pandora having a drink at a bar and being interrupted by a very dumb cocky guy. You can imagine what happens.

Hope you enjoy it.






Wow talk about dangerous curves… This guy learnt it the hard way. Loved it!


I'm surprised Pandora pays for her drinks. Or does she get one of her other toys to pay for them? 😁


Well, she doesn't have a job but is very wealthy. She has her toys who supply her with all the money she wants. About the bar, she is pragmatic. She knows that she being a regular there implies people will avoid going there and a bar with no patrons will shut down sooner or later. She likes it there so she pays to keep it open. She won't let the owner close and forces him to keep replacing the employees that step out of line, but she makes sure the bar is solvent so it keeps supplying her with the quality drinks and food she demands.


If she’s now like a goddess and can kill people just with the weigh of her boobs, how strong was she as a kid? She must be extremely dangerous at school or the neighborhood 😮


Pandora is quite the case because she is like Cassandra, who was ultra powerful since she was born. She comes from a long line of very rich Metahumans in her family so since birth she was raised surrounded by regular human "servants" who were mostly compelled to serve her family and had tu endure the girls' mischievous nature. Sufy to say that family went through a lot of servants thanks to Pandora and her mom. She didn't have much interactions with children her age save for her best friend and neighbor, Emily, who happens to be a powerful metahuman just like Pandora. Pandora was home schooled, with a multitude of teachers bringing her up on pretty much every subject. Interestingly enough, very few of her teachers were ever harmed, in fact they were very well treated and compensated because their education was something they valued and good teachers capable of dealing with children like Pandora are very hard to find or replace.