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Hello everyone,

Please allow me to introduce to you Lina, the youngest daughter of Kara Adams. She is the offspring of one of the most powerful beings in all the universe.

The twins have adopted our world as their own thousands of years ago and in that time each of them have had many adventures, witnessed and sometimes influenced historical events, and have taken human mates with whom they shared their mates' entire lifespan (which to them is like a blink of an eye). *

*** Retcon warning ***

When I introduced the Cosmic Twins in their story very many years ago, I stated they arrived earth near a medieval village 1000 years ago.

Revisiting their origin I believe it would be much cooler if they had arrived much earlier and had seen our entire history unfold. So, instead of 1000 years ago near a European village, they arrived near the ancient city of Jericho 8000 years BCE.


With the many husbands they've had through the millennia, they've had many offspring who inherited their cosmic DNA with normal human genes. Lina is one of this children whose heritage gives her a less powerful version of most of her mother's vast abilities.

Lina is extremely powerful, capable of feats of strength that would be inconceivable even to powerhouses like Cassandra, or Jane. Her body is completely invulnerable, capable of resisting the heat at the core of a star. She can fly even in space where she can bend space-time and travel at billions of times the speed of light without any time dilation effects of normal relativistic travel. Within an atmosphere or material medium, she can hear any sound made within that medium regardless of the distance. Unlike her mother, she can't process all the sounds at the same time. She can't hear and understand all at once like the Cosmic Twins can, but she can concentrate on a particular sound and listen to it clearly and pinpoint its location extremely accurately.

Like most of her siblings, She has been off world seeing the universe for the past 30 years, ever since her dad died off old age (she is in her late 60s but looks and acts like a 19 year old girl), and she has come back to Key Lake City to visit her mom and aunt. She is going to be surprised when she sees she has a new fiancé who is going to be her stepdad.

It will be interesting to see if she gets along with him and if he can cope with having a hyper powerful brat in his life.





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