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Hello everyone,

Here we have Liu Li and Vicky playing with each other at a remote abandoned farm. They chose this place since its far away from any inhabitants and are free to express themselves without danger of accidentally hurting anyone.

For Vicky, ever since she transformed into a massive hyper strong amazon, this is the first time that she is intimate with someone strong enough to "take" her and rock her world.

Liu Li's strength is far below Vicky's however she is more than strong enough to easily lift and dominate her partner and provide her with a "rough" experience Vicky can't get from a normal man.

At the end, their collective climax resulted in leveling the entire zone, causing a shock-wave that blew away bricks, stones and trees for miles around. Still, their loud moans and final pleasure screams were powerful enough to be heard in the closest town, shattering a few windows, windshields and glasses.





Elek Szerep

Another great Futa content, please keep the coming.

John Alamo

What is Liu Li Strength Index ?


I feel like metahuman futas would be highly sought-after as the only people who could satisfy metahumans properly.