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Hello everyone,

I want to let you know I am back from my trip out of town (my plane landed yesterday afternoon). I spent 2 weeks in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was in part a family vacation but also a scouting trip since my sister is planning to study theater there, so we had been scouting schools and places to live. We got a lot done in that time so it was well worth it. If you ever get the chance to visit BA, I recommend it, the food is great, lots of shows to go see, great places to see.

Anyhow, Today I'm getting back on the saddle and working on new content. As promissed, I'm finishing the 1st issue of the Vicky comic this month as well as starting on issue 2 and new stories with other characters. This trip away from my computer has given me lots of chances to just sit back and think and write on my notebook lots of ideas I am eager to turn into scripts and pages.

My first order of business for today is to create and send out the email rewards.

Big thanks to all of you for sticking with me in this period of inactivity.




Crisna Alaircon

thought things were bad over in Argentina. Glad you're back


They have their problems, just as many of us in South America, but from what I could see, there was quite a bit of tourism, theatres were open and full, restaurants with great food were open, etc. I understand things are tight for the average local but from what I could see, that has not dimed the vibrance of that city.

Elek Szerep

I will forgive you there is a futa comic coming too 😛