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Hello everyone,

Here we have our girl Vicky showing off her strength, lifting a massive truck over her head with one hand with such ease, the weight of the man hanging from the side isn't even noticeable to her.





John Alamo

Will there be any story or comic in the Future ?


Yes, most definitely. I've been meaning to continue posting pages for the Vicky comic which have been delayed for various reasons, one of which was the need to construct a lot of new assets for the scenes. That's the thing with working with 3D characters, everything on the image has to be bought or created from scratch (and some of that stuff is very expensive). I should be posting new pages soon. Also, I'm working on the script for two more one-shot stories, one with the Anderson family and another an "origin story" for our bad girl DeeDee.

Tomas Simek

Scenes where Guy is "helping" toys against girl power are the top! Helping to prevent being lifted or bend or broken. Personally, I would like to help vault door against lady forcing them open :)

Kim Danver
