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Hello everyone,

Here is Grace, she isn't the brightest of The Vixens but she sure is the most powerful one. She is the brute of the group, always letting her big muscles and overwhelming strength to do the talking for her.

She works as a truck driver, and her pride and joy is her big rig with which she has traveled almost every road in the country, hauling all sorts of cargo. While its true her status as a sitting member of The Vixens and her association with Sofia Lacroix ensures she has financial security for life; she loves the freedom of the road and the satisfaction of good honest work.

To say she is very protective of her truck is a big understatement. She will unceremoniously crush anyone caught doing anything to it.






How does a woman like Grace wind up in the Vixens?


Well, Sofia needed a "big gun" for her group. This was long before they recruited Vicky who is also a powerhouse, although not at Grace's level. Sofia needed the muscle to keep other massive superwomen (like DeeDee or Stacy) at bay. In turn, Grace gets a decent allowance, and all the legal aid money can buy whenever she causes rampages and bloodbaths. It's amazing how many things you can make go away when you have billions of dollars backing you up.


I should point out, that's the reason she joined, a matter of convenience, however by now they are very close and their relationship has grown far beyond convenience.