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Hello everyone,

Let me introduce you to a new member to our cast. Her name is Patricia and she is from Brazil.

She was born in Rio de Janeiro into a poor family living in one of the infamous Fabellas. Early in her life she realized she was very different from the other girls in her school. Not only was that all the children (and teachers) seemed incredibly weak compared to her but she noticed in the girl restrooms she was the only one with a package between her legs. 

Teased and feared by her classmates, she had a very lonely school experience, which led her to seek somewhere she would belong. By accident she discovered a Samba school not far from her home and seeing she had good dance skills she enrolled herself. She became one of the top students and it didn't take long for her to be in the Carnival Parades representing her dance school.

Living in the fabellas is not without dangers and while Patricia is not afraid of goons with knives or guns (which are completely ineffective against her powerful body) she does have people she cares about and wishes to keep away from any trouble for their sake. Fate had it that she would by accident witness a crime involving one of the most dangerous gangs. They attacked her on sight but she was able to brush them away with ease and run away. Since that day, the gang started to harass everyone in town looking for her and seeing her family (most of whom are normal people) and friends were in the crosshairs, she decided the best chance anyone had to a normal life was for her to leave. Patricia packed a few items on a backpack, kissed her family goodbye and left during the night, eventually making her way to Key Lake City. 

Something very special about Patricia is her incomprehensible capacity to blow loads of extreme quantity. She can fill a large Jacuzzi in one single load. If she concentrates enough, she can do it over a long period of multiple shots in rapid succession that can last up to five minutes or if she goes all out, one single massive bone-shattering shot that can shoot the same load in just 2 seconds (destroying anything in it's path).

She has done the single-shot only once, with such disastrous collateral damage that she is too scared to ever trying it again.





Crisna Alaircon

Like the coloured characters. Keep it up Mr. Logan.