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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting new things (it's been a massively crazy week). 

Since it has been Mothers Day in many countries around the world (including mine) I wish to pay homage to all moms out there with a group of our big powerful mothers.

We have our Asian bombshell Minn, who despite not being as big as her daughters, she shows that she is truly mighty and more than capable of controlling her massive daughters.

Then there is Melanie, mother of the two strongest women born in this world. Cassandra and Catherine were incredibly strong since they were born, capable of crushing virtually anything between their little fingers however Melanie was powerful and durable enough to safely play with them and even lay down the law when needed.

Finally there is Hope; she is our Delta super-mom, mother to Tammy and her 10 siblings. Of all her 11 children, she has only 1 boy who was born a normal kid without the amazing physical attributes of his sisters. Hope is therefore very protective of him.





Kim Danver

😍 Sexy. I had a crush on Melanie ! It would be great to see her making a demonstration of her strength with her daughters.