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Hello everyone

This is a graphic I've wanted to work on for a long while, the make up of Tammy's family.

* Tammy is one of 11 siblings, daughter of a big and powerful Metahuman Delta woman and a regular human father.

* Tammy's mom, Hope, has a brother who in turn is married to an even bigger powerful woman with whom they have 5 children.

* Tammy's uncle and one of her cousins are one of the very rare male metahumans. Males are by far less common than female or futa metahumans. While females with the meta gene are one in tens of thousands, males are one in millions. Also, even though they are immensely more powerful and bigger than normal human beings, they are not as strong or large as their female or futa counterparts.

* Tammy and her siblings are mixed blooded while their cousins are full blooded metahuman (both parents are Deltas), thus their cousins are considerably larger and many times stronger than they are.

* Tammy's cousins live with their parents in a different city but come visit every so often.

I am working on a story arc with these characters where the main idea is that Tammy's uncle and aunt are travelling musicians who will be out on tour around the world for some months and ask Hope and Bob (Tammy's parents) if their kids could live with them for the time being.  Suddenly the Anderson home will temporarily have 5 new big superstrong members, one of which will be a well developed boy and things will go nuts.





John Alamo

Will the story arc be just Text, Text and a few Illustration (like Cassandra bio) or a full blown comic ? Also when do you plan to release it ?


So far I only have an outline of the plot. I want to finish the main story of the Vicky comic before starting another big project.