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Hi everyone,

I am aware I haven't posted any pages of the Vicky comic in a couple of weeks and I want to let you guys in on what I'm working on and what's coming.

What I'm currently working on:

Sofia's home: 

Sofia is a woman with nearly endless economic resources and she of course has many properties all around the globe, but her home is located on the top 10 floors of Lacroix tower, the largest building in Key Lake City, 1000 meters tall and is visible from every part of the city.

Key Lake City Map:

Using my home city of Lima as a template, the city map of Key Lake City will allow us to have a consistent visual storytelling elements as well as cool visuals. For instance, Sofia's penthouse is high enough that one should be able to see the entire city from the terrace.

A second use to this asset is to locate every point of interest in the map. Cassandra's home, the place where the ATF fought DeeDee and Stacy, Tammy's home and her sister's doctor office, Vicky's apartment building, Tania's home, Mey and Lynn's apartment, ATF headquarters, etc. 

The Alley behind Vicky's Apartment and the Apartment of her old Boyfriend:

This is an asset I'm just starting to work on so I don't have much to show at the moment, I'll post updates soon.

I imagine the natural question is: Why?

The comic story has gotten to a point where most of the action will have extensive use of those sets. Maybe it will help if I give an outline of what's coming in the comic, keeping spoilers to a minimum, and I believe you'll agree with me.

The current issue of Vicky has 2 main scenes left. 

1) Sofia takes notice of Vicky's existence due to a newspaper article with a picture of her saving the men on the scaffold. This will happen at her home as she is relaxing by her pool, so at least the terrace and pool area has to be finished by then, and enough of the exterior to make a panoramic shot of the building.

2) An action scene where Vicky stops a group of thugs from killing her neighbors across the alley behind her building. Vicky's premonitions will warn her that the thugs are going to kill the old couple and she intervenes without pulling her punches to stop that from happening. For those who have read the old story "Vixen Party" would recognize this is the story she tells, but the way it happens in the comic will have some minor differences. Just a mini spoiler, who leads the team of thugs will be Mantis, the antagonist from the story "The Visit 2".  Mantis is not yet in prison because this comic is an Origin Story for Vicky and is taking place in the near past, about 1 year ago, while the events of The Visit are supposed to happen in the present.

The next issue will get Vicky targeted by the organization who sent the thugs on the previous issue. At the same time, Sofia will invite Vicky to her place and introduce her to the other Vixens, inviting her to join them. At first Vicky will refuse but after Sofia offers legal help with some trouble she has gotten into and protection for her family and friends when the criminals come after them, Vicky ends up accepting. This isn't exactly a Spoiler because we already know that in the present Vicky is part of The Vixens. In this issue we will also see the return of Vicky's old boyfriend (the one we see in her dream) and he will be the cause of all the trouble. This reunion will be interesting because he hasn't seen her since her transformation. A love triangle will form between the old boyfriend, Vicky, and Peter (who is just a friend with benefits at the moment).

I'll keep you guys posted on how things are coming along. I'll try to get more pages done as soon as possible.




John Alamo

Tania, Mey and Lynn are in the same universe as the other super Metahumans ?


Yes and no. Let me explain. The characters I've created for the Amazonias comics are in a tier of their own. They are much bigger and stronger than normal people but are not at the level of the rest of our girls who are just extremely overpowered. For example, Scarlett is hundreds of times stronger than Tania, who is the strongest of my Amazonias roster. One of the constraints on the stories for the site is that they didn’t want “supergirls” who can lift mountains but more “grounded” characters who can be super strong but nothing extreme. Also, something important for those comics is that they pretty much should be self contained, you don’t need to know the entire universe of stories and characters to follow any issue, so I’ve avoided connecting them to our larger stories and universe. For Amazonias readers, everything takes place in some unspecified US city, these girls are unique and no one has ever heard of metahumans or the like. Simple, without complications, big girls doing wonderful things. For us, they are in the same world, even the same city (as a matter of fact, Scarlett has made a cheeky cameo in one short scene in one of the Muscle Bombshells issues, Mey’s turn if I’m not mistaken). We’ve made a few images of the Amazonias girls outside of the comics and those are in universe and things we publish here on Patreon or just publicly outside of any Amazonias comic are to be considered in our same universe. That’s why Tania and her sisters show up at the new years party. Just to connect things a bit more, Tania and Tim currently go to college, which is the same university where Ebony works as a coach, Scarlett works as of one of the librarians, Diana Romanova is a geology professor, Rose was a geology student there until she graduated, and is where Vicky is about to attend as well. Quite possibly, they’ll meet at some point.

John Alamo

But are the things that happened in the amazonias comics canon to this universe ? Or just the Patreon posts ?


Worldbuilding is always a good thing. 👍🏾


Yes. Jeannie is cannon and so far she is unique since she would be a magical creature and not a metahuman amazon like the rest. Charlene is also canon. We can make her origin story fit with our universe like this: In the story she is ill and on her death bed when her husband, a renown doctor and geneticist illegally uses an experimental drug to cure her, which has the side effect of transforming her into the amazon she is today... in our canon, alpha metahumans are those who have the metahuman gene dormant in their bodies and is triggered at moments of extreme physical harm, basically they "die" and are "reborn". That happened to Jane, Rose, Laura, Melanie and all others cataloged as Alpha. We can say Charlene was Alpha and the illness and drug triggered her transformation. In the case of the girls from Muscle Bombshells, the origin of their growth is a special tea that accelerated growth in conjunction with weight training, so we can picture them as their growth having a "magical" source.


Thank you. I love that aspect. To me, it gives the characters a more "real" feel.

John Alamo

Got it. Where would Charlene and Jeannie be on the strength chart ?