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Sofia is the leader of the group of superhuman amazons known as The Vixens and is their main support. Her wealth covers most of their material and legal needs, and her vast experience and knowledge on how their special magnificent bodies work and how to excel in using them allows her teammates to continue to grow and enjoy the most of the outstanding lives they get to live.

This is one of the training sessions she has with her girls, letting them control their vast strength and abilities to a degree almost impossible to imagine.





John Alamo

Wanted to ask do the Metahumans know about the Limit of their own strength and that of other metahumans ? For example does Cassandra Knows that she could lift the weight of the sun ? Some characters like Pandora seems to know about their strength with the feat she did in “Rule Number 1”, do all the top tiers are aware that they can do that ? If so how do they learn about it. Also same thing with the weakest metahumans, do they know the limit of their own strength?


Hello John, this is a really great question. The short answer is, they don't know. We, looking at their world from the outside know who is stronger than whom, but the characters have no clue. A good example are Cassandra, Jane, and Kara and Lila. Jane has been looking for ways to find out just how strong she is, but she hasn't gotten even close to a test that would give her a hint of a challenge. We know she would have to lift something close to the mass of the planet Jupiter to find her limit but she doesn't know that. As far as she knows, she has no limits. Unless she tries to arm-wrestle Cassandra. Cassandra is thousands of times stronger than Jane, but she wouldn't know that either. Cassandra might even think Jane is stronger or as strong because any practical strength feat Cassandra can do, Jane can do too. That is, until they try to wrestle one another. Jane would use all her strength and Cassandra would barely feel it. After that, Cassandra would probably think she is infinitely strong, that there is nothing she can't do... until she meets the twins Lila and Kara, who are the most overpowered creatures in my universe and whose strength is truly limitless. If Cassandra tried to arm wrestle Kara, the twin could beat cassandra with her pinky without even trying. This would be true for all the higher tier metahumans, whose strength is so great they would never under normal circumstances feel any strength feat as challenging. Vicky for example, has the strength to lift a small country, so nothing she does, even if she juggles trains or lifts huge buildings off the ground would even come close to her limits, so she might feel she has no limits, even if her power is not at the level of Jane. The lower tiered superhuman girls have a somewhat different experience. They have limits which are reachable through practical means. Rose can lift the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is insane but still low enough for her to feel some exertion when doing feats. If she lifts the largest most massive building in the world (I believe it's the Burj Khalifa) She would truly feel it's weight. She will know she can go higher but can feel there is an upper limit nearby. The less powerful the character, the more aware she would be of her limits and some might have already gotten to reach it. Scarlett for example can easily play with military tanks but can't move one of those oil tanker ships.


About Pandora specifically, her strength level is such I am willing to bet nothing she has ever tried to do has posed a significant challenge for her. I'm pretty sure the feat she does in that story is the single most extreme display of her power she has ever done. She had no reason to believe it wouldn't work, nothing she has ever attempted (strength-wise) has ever not worked. As far as she knows, her strength is infinite (we know that's not true but she hasn't experienced anything stronger than her in her entire life).

John Alamo

Understood so that’s why DeeDee and Jane were both confident during their fight in “Alpha Task Force 1-3” before DeeDee realized that she was weaker than Jane. Since both of them thought they had no limits before.


Precisely! Imagine you as you are right now, living in a world where the gravity is so low it barely keeps you from floating away and nothing weighs more than 1 pound and everything is also so brittle you have to be very careful to touch things without destroying them. If you had no contact with any other normal person... how would you know just how strong you were? That's what life is for most of these women until they start interacting and testing themselves against one another.

John Alamo

Their durability is also relative to their strength right ?


Right. We know that they can hurt each other. In the same story you mentioned, Stacy was beating Rose badly, to the point she was having difficulty holding up a building she would normally have no issue with. Also we saw DeeDee pummel Laura to unconsciousness and I'm pretty sure she would have killed her if she really wanted to. However, from normal humans and their conventional weapons none of them have anything to fear.


With Sofia's training, the Vixens could become a formidable team of super-mercenaries. Maybe the ATF should hire them.


Oh Sofia has Bruce Wayne + Tony Stark level money. She wants for her and her Vixens just power. Political, social, legal and physical. Her dream is for her to own the entire world and have the freedom for her and her vixens to do whatever they desire. A world that spins only for them.