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Hello everyone,

Here is Rose with her boyfriend spending time together at an off-site training facility for their law enforcement unit. It's usually used by very few people and so it happens that today, Rose and Scott are the only people there, so naturally things got hot and lewd really fast.





John Alamo

Can Metahumans workout to get stronger or are their strength fixed ?


Great question. The short answer is yes, they can get stronger. The longer answer is: the way I imagine them, their muscle's strength is given by 3 factors: 1) The efficiency of their muscle fibers, 2) the muscle density or how many muscle fibers are packed in a given volume of muscle and 3) the bulk of muscle in the body or how muscular the character is. of the 3 factors, the first 2 are intrinsic to the character and will be the same always but the last one, the amount of muscle, can vary through exercise. This allows characters who have smaller muscles to be more powerful than a much bigger one. One example of this is Cassandra and Jane. Jane has maybe twice the amount of muscle than Cassandra, but Cassandra is way stronger than Jane.


One thing to note is that the base strength is pretty much set by the 1st 2 factors. Ganing muscle bulk will allow a character to double or triple her strength but it will not be enough to catch up to a higher tier character who is thousands of times stronger. One example of this is Pandora and Laura, both are about the same height and both look like fitness models (none of them is particularly bulky) but Laura weighs close to 300 kg and Pandora 2900 kg. and that is just because she has a lot more muscle fibers densely packed inside her muscles, making them very heavy and extremely powerful. Laura can lift trains while Pandora can juggle the moon. It doesn't matter how much Laura bulks up, she'll never get even close to Pandora's strength.

John Alamo

I see, but to bulk up do they need use really heavy weights at the limit of their own strength or any weight could do the job. For example you mentioned Pandora and Laura, can they both bulk up by bench pressing the weight of a train for example or would Pandora needs something as heavy as the moon to exercise and be able to bulk up ?


Yes, that's pretty much it. Just like normal people, they need to exercise their muscles with enough resistance to push them to where they experience muscular fatigue. If they work out with weights too light to reach that point, they'll not see much or any results. Note: Girls like Pandora, Jane, Cassandra, Vicky and other extremely strong metahumans look the way they look purely from their genetic pre-disposition without having to do any exercise. At their strength level, there really isn't any practical exercise they could do to get their muscles anywhere close to fatigue.

John Alamo

I see , so the super strong don’t really have any way to bulk up


At least for now, but there are people like Sofia who is rich with Batman + Ironman level money who has a few labs working on it. Maybe sometime soon she might develop technology that may make it possible and practical. It would have to be something way outside the box, instead of working on heavy and super-dense, they'll come up with a material resistant enough that can be stretched and compressed without breaking or melting, and the more they are pulled/pushed the resistance grows, resilient enough for our girls to use to exercise their muscles. I think she's already come up with such material that would work on middle-tier amazons but not yet for the more powerful ones. I guess all we can do is wait for a breakthrough.