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Hello everyone.

Lily and Ed have been friends with benefits for a long time. She likes him enough to satiate her sexual needs with him every once in a while but she feels he is a bit young and immature for her.

Since she cares for him, she is eager for her young friend to meet a woman he can be happy with, but she knows that after having been with someone with her amazing body and beauty, she's probably ruined him for normal women.

One afternoon when the two of them were hanging out at the mall, they ran into newcomer Giselle. The towering Argentinian was looking where she could find nice clothes her size. Giselle opened up to them, seeing in Lily someone who must go through the same problems regarding everything being too small, and Lily saw in Giselle a potential match for her wide-eyed young friend.

The three hit it off almost instantly and became very friendly very quickly. After a few hours shopping together, Giselle invited both of them to her apartment and they eagerly agreed.

Once there Ed flirted with Giselle and much to his joy she flirted back, although not just directed at him but to Lily as well. Lily found herself admiring the beautiful blonde woman and flirted back and soon, there were hints, innuendos, praises and gentle touches among the three of them.

Before long, their clothes had been tossed aside and the three were in a very tight embrace. Ed was caught in between the two giantesses, at first just standing between their long powerful legs. The two girls picked him up and wedged him in between their beautiful female bodies. His head completely engulfed between the giantesses' ample soft breasts.

For the rest of the afternoon, the trio enjoyed each other's company and passionate caressing. Ed, unable to see anything, only was able to feel his body sandwiched between the bodies of two goddesses as they kissed long and passionately.

Sometime later they went into the bedroom, carrying and unconscious young Ed who had passed out when the girls squeezed him a little two hard between their bellies. They laid the unconscious young man on the bed and proceeded to pleasure each other next to him. Ed would come to from time to time and join in the fun, letting himself be used as a sex toy for the two goddesses; he would pass out many times during the night as he was either squeezed too tightly or sexually overwhelmed by the amazons.

Next morning, Lily and Ed said their goodbyes to Giselle as they were leaving her apartment. She invites the two for dinner at her apartment that evening and Lily and Ed eagerly agree.





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