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You meet Kwan at a party. She is beautiful, tall, stacked and looks quite chill standing by herself barefoot. She kicked her shoes off moments ago, showing off how comfortable and relaxed she is at the moment.

You try to make conversation, but your mind does not work properly in her presence. Her majestic boobs are larger than your head and are only inches above your head. She notices you can't take your eyes off them.

"My necklace fell into my cleavage, would you be a dear and fetch it for me?" She says as she leans towards you.

"You want me to stick my hand into..." You stammer nervously.

"Yes, you have small hands. Would you help me?" She gives you a smile which makes it impossible for you to refuse.

You bring your hand towards her majestic bosom and gently insert it between both her voluminous breasts. They feel impossibly soft and warm, hugging your hand gently as it goes into the deep valley of her cleavage. Your hand goes in up to your wrist before your fingers touch her chest. You slowly and very nervously probe around inside but the only things you feel are her stretched silk top and her smooth perfect skin.

Before you can mention you can't find the necklace you feel her once soft breasts tighten and become as hard as stone. Your hand is gripped by Kwan's majestic breasts as they squeeze it tightly, threatening to crush it to oblivion.

You try to pull your hand free but soon realize it is impossible. If she does not release you, you are just not going anywhere.






I really like this idea, but I also hope that she's one of the girls who is just teasing him Edit: I just realized she's the one, who also killed a guy that stood behind a wall that she destroyed with her boobs. So nevermind :)


Hi, yes, it's her who did that but it was more a case of accidental collateral damage instead of she consciously wanting to kill him. So who knows, she might just be teasing and does not intend to cause him any serious injury. Still, accidents do happen ;-)


If Pandora's the bouncer, I imagine her walking up behind him and going like "is this guy touching you inappropriately"? Then grabbing him with one hand by the head and one by the crotch proceeding to compress him like a little accordion.

John Alamo

So she is another bad one ?


I think she is more of the dangerously playful kind. She won't come at you with the intention of hurting you but if she accidentally causes damage she won't lose much sleep over it. She has grown up as a super strong being, physically far superior to all around her so she knows there is really nothing anyone can do to punish her actions, so she is pretty carefree about any damage she might cause. The way she sees the world, she'll play with you and try not to hurt you, but if it happens, it's not her fault everyone else is so fragile.

John Alamo

Now that you say it I realized that most of the bad Metahumans (the ones with little regard about human life) are Omegas (Stacy, Pandora, Sara and now Kwan) with the exception of DeeDee. But also DeeDee isn’t as Murderous as Stacy, she just follows orders but she doesn’t go out of her way to hurt people without reason unlike Stacy. So the Omegas unlike the alphas seems to care less about people since they have never been “normal” humans and they probably looked down on people their whole life.


That's exactly it. Also, the mother of Omega girls are either Alphas or Omegas since a normal woman would not be able to survive a pregnancy with a super powerful baby inside their fragile bodies. Thus, they are used to the distinction of their "lineage" and everyone else. It depends a lot on their upbringing, women like Cassandra have a strong moral compass thanks to their mother who only became super powerful later in life, and Tammy and her bunny siblings who, despite being similar to Omegas are well adjusted people who try to live normal lives, and that is mainly because their similarly powerful mom always treated their father as an equal.


Unfortunately a great number grow up believing everything in the world is theirs for the taking and their extreme physical superiority to everyone else gives them the right to do with anyone what they wish.


In the case of Kwan, she would be middle ground. She does not believe she can do whatever she wants but she does feel above normal people; not to the point where she would want to see anyone hurt but she wouldn't feel sad about someone getting crushed by her powerful body, unless that someone is special to her (she does take care of those who mean something to her).


Thank you for the question. I love getting into the lore of the characters and the unique world they inhabit. Any chance to put into words the jumble of ideas I have in my head is very welcome!