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During the summer, Pandora enjoys relaxing under the sun. She doesn't like crowds so she opts to go to a number of private beaches and just settle in as if she owned the place. She has been doing this for years and the different beach house owners know to just not give her any reason to punish them. Many of them actually approach her just to bring her drinks, food or any other gifts. She likes this type of service and attention, the right way to worship a goddess like herself, so she makes sure she does not harm any of them and even accepts some of them to join her. The really lucky ones have been drafted into her ever growing roster of sex slaves, usually picking one or two after she is done at the relaxing at the beach to get a different type of relaxing session from them.

There are times however when other people make their way into the beach who do not know about her and end up doing things to upset her, and like the four young men in this case found out, upsetting Pandora is very ill advised.





John Alamo

Just read Deadly Trial, does Sarah Nova really have all those powers in that story? Or did you change your mind later on (since it is a 20 year old story). It seems she got more powers than all the other Metahumans

Kim Danver

Awesome mini comic ! It's a great pleasure to see Pandora again. However, I must admit that I am a little disappointed because considering the level of her titanic strength, I thought that Pandora would use her super strength to do so much more. But I don't despair to see her again lifting some big vehicles, crushing some bones and bending steel or fighting against an entire army. 😉


Hi John. You are absolutely right, Sarah is very OP compared to the other girls with all those extra powers. When I wrote Deadly Trial all those years ago, I must admit I was going for cool factor and did not take into account she would eventually share the same world with other super strong girls who don't have that wide assortment of powers. I'm not sure at this point which ones will be "canon" and which will only exist in that story. I'm taking note to make a character bio for her to make official what powers she is meant to have now. I can say in advance the one mind power I do want her to have is the ability to immobilize people with her mind. I like the idea of her "freezing" her prey and just walk slowly towards him and he not being able to move a muscle.


Thanks Kim. I understand what you mean and do not worry, there will be plenty of works with Pandora causing that level of destruction. In this one in particular, I wanted to show a bit more of her personality. How she is swift in punishing those who annoy her but also that she is no mindless monster. She has made relationships with the owners of the beach and so long as they serve her she protects them (from herself) and even interacts with a few of them. She was in a good mood so she would have forgiven those guys if they had apologized and proven useful to her, they did not and paid for it.

John Alamo

Pandora seems more chill than I thought. I thought her personality was like Stacy’s because of the way you portrayed her in past images (the Frat boys Hug one for example) and the Rule #1 Comic


Yeah, they are similar in some aspects, snuffing anyone they want without remorse. They, however, are different in other aspects. Like you mentioned, Pandora is more chill and Stacy is more psychopathic. If you run into either of them on the street, if you stay clear of Pandora's way she will most likely ignore you, if you show her respect and adoration she might interact with you. With Stacy, just drop everything, hide or run away!

Kim Danver

Thank you for your answer Kurt, which makes me hope even better for the future. I really appreciate this side of Pandora's more complex personality.


Pandora is great :)


She's kinda mean but I don't hate it lol