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Here is a little image of Kwan, showing us just how unintentionally dangerous she can be. 






As always, I have to ask. How strong is she, relatively speaking?


Nice. I like that some of your strongest characters have slender, toned figures. While I presume normal humans do not care about the relative strength of meta-humans (because they are all unimaginably powerful), The meta-humans themselves probably do care who among them is stronger than the others. I can easily see someone like Pandora catching the eye of the ATF. Based on her physique, they would assume someone like Rose would be able to take her down. Imagine their surprise when they find out that Pandora is so strong, even Jane would have trouble facing her. 😁


Pandora and Kwan fit in the strength chart slightly below Jane. Thing is, Jane is crazy powerful, we've just not seen her go big. Jane knows she can break entire cities if she isn't careful so she tends to be measured and controlled, however Pandora is a lot less careful for collateral damage. A fight between Rose and Pandora would end in a heartbeat, there would not be much left of Rose to bury. A fight between Pandora and Jane would be long and extremely costly, nothing short of cataclysmic but at the end, when the dust settles and the earth stops rumbling, it would probably be Jane left standing.


I attribute the women's strength to two factors. Their muscle size and their muscle density. Even the less powerful of them like Scarlett, Sofia and Helga who have fit bodies without the huge muscles have very dense muscle fibers, with thousands of strong fibers in the same volume where a normal woman would have just one. Characters like Pandora take that density to insane levels, giving them unimaginable strength. Other characters like Ebony, Rose, Stacy, Vicky, Tammy have genetics which lets them develop bigger musculature. It's the combination of the two factors on each individual which results in how strong that character is. That's how you can have a character like Cassandra who is not as big as Jane but is much stronger; Her muscle density is much higher.