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Hello everyone,

We are starting a new comic story with Vicky Chang as the main protagonist. With this Comic we are going to try something different. The comic will be posted one page at a time, where every week I'll post at least one page. This way we'll go through her journey together, which opens the possibility for feedback and discussion on the story as it unfolds.

Here are the Cover and the first two pages. One thing you'll notice right away is that I'm going for a more traditional comic-book feel, with a number of panels per page instead of one image per page. I think this will allow for a more dynamic flow and ease of storytelling. Don't worry, there will be plenty of full page and two-page spreads whenever the image lends itself. Anything that deserves be shown big, will be shown BIG.

No comic about Vicky would be complete without Sofia and the Vixens, and this is no exception. Sofia, Scarlett, Ebony and Grace will feature prominently in the comic as well as other lesser known amazons that interact with them. Other characters like Cassandra, Mantis and the Cosmic Twins will have appearances at one point. 

The time frame of the story is meant to be about a year ago. When it starts, Vicky hasn't met the Vixens yet and she and her friend and neighbor Peter have not hooked up yet.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the story as it unfolds. It will be fun to go through this saga together.





Jason White

She sleeps with clothes on? 😉


She prefers to sleep in the nude but she is at home with her parents so she is wearing some form of sleepwear.