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Lila sees you as she enters Earth's atmosphere returning from a quick trip to the sun to drop a few thousand tons of non-recyclable trash into it's fiery core. Desiring to say hello and give you a big hug, she flies down towards at speeds that far exceeds the sound barrier. She slows down to human-safe levels and lowers herself to where you can see her and she gracefully floats towards you.

Either by accident or by intention, she lowers herself to where her extended foot drags on the hard rock ground, easily plowing though the hardened stone causing it to shatter and explode outwards, leaving a two feet deep trench in her wake.

What happens next... well.. I'll leave that to your imagination.





Kim Danver

Great 3D render ! The crushed rock effect is really awesome. So I think you're ready to make a comic full of Pandora's destructions ! ;-)


Hi! Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like how it came out. I will do a comic like that down the line, but there are a few more things I want to learn and test out first. I'll be trying out how to do certain things with simulations like crushing walls, explosions, wind, smoke and fire, fluids, splatters, etc. I'll be trying to test those things, making images using those systems and seeing how that comes along. But don't worry, I'll take you guys in that journey with me. Hope you don't mind an assortment of images of these girls destroying things.


Been a while since we saw the most powerful girl in the universe do her thing. :)