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When Vicky's young neighbor and intimate friend broke his leg (well she broke it, but it was an accident) and he had to stay in his room for a couple of weeks, she cheered him up by keeping him company and sending him racy pictures of herself. She knows he is a big fan of her feats of strength so she tries to come up with little feats she could do for him. On one such occasions, she sent him this picture of her opening a water bottle with her cleavage. Her powerful muscles pushed her heavy breasts together with such force the bottle cap popped off and all the water inside squirted out.

She took a selfie while doing it and send it to the young man. She sent him a second picture where she repeated the feat but this time completely nude. The message had the caption, "this is waiting for you when you get well". It is believed this alone shaved 2 days off Peter's expected recovery time.





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