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Tall, Powerful, Smart and with the most extreme curves on the entire city, Sofia Lacroix is Key Lake's most prominent citizen. Her fortune is measured in the high billions and her influence over all aspects of her society is by far her most valuable asset.

Sofia leverages her influence through an A-List club she owns, the Vixen Club, which operates in Lacroix Tower, the world's tallest building located in the middle of the city. The club and Casino operate on the frist floor of the gigantic building and on the top floor is Sofía's luxury penthouse.

Among her inner circle, Sofia is knows as The Black Widow, name she took from a type of spider which it's female kills the male of the species right after sex. Of course Sofia does not kill every person she goes to bed with, she is usually very careful if her mate is either a valuable person whose safety is in Sofia's best interest or if it's someone she likes or cares for. However, for random people with whom she has casual sex with or people who she finds boring or disappointing, she will not have that same level of care when having sex and that can lower a man's chance of survival quite drastically.

People tend to look at her toned tall body with extremely large boob and think of her as a sexual goddess and fail to realize she is astonishingly powerful. While not as physically strong as the rest of The Vixens, compared to a normal man she is at a completely different scale. Every cell in her body is far more dense, energetic and resilient than those of normal people, this is what makes her body so durable and strong however it also makes it very dense and heavy; so much that each of her massive breasts weigh more than an average adult human male and while they are very soft to the touch, she can easily crush a man's head with them and her full body weight is so great, if she sat on a man's lap her tight ass would snap that man's legs and hips like dry twigs under them.





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