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Hi everyone, here is a working progress of the second part of the Visit story. Since it's going to be quite big, I've sectioned it in chapters. I'll be posting progress sections like this one and at the end when it's all done I'll publish the entire comic in one single PDF.

Chapter 1 isn't finished, it's about half way and its already 38 pages long. I'm not kidding when I say this story is going to be long. This first chapter is called Cause and effect, and deals with a lot of backstory. It will try to explain why we've gotten where we are in the present and starts off with an event which will haunt Rose for years.

Please bare in mind the chapter is not finished. I'm still rendering images but after my computer's third crash in a row I decided to publish what I have so far.

I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment below.

Cheers and Happy New Year!




Kim Danver

Sounds good. The characters background are always very interesting. I just hope we could see Rose in some amazing feats of strength action. Can't wait to read the next part ! In the meantime, I wish you happy New Years !


Thank you very much Kim. Yes, we are definitely going to see Rose and Laura do many superhero feats in this story. On the first issue, we learned at the end of a character named Mantis who has been a thorn on Rose in the past and has abducted her brother for some reason. In the first chapter of part two we are going to find out exactly what that reason was. Also, we'll learn more about Mantis and why the team is afraid of her.


I have to say, while I completely appreciate this portion of the backstory, I think it’s a little much to dedicate this many pages to it, especially since you’ve already published it in different ways over the years. I’m more interested in seeing what happens next as the team tries to recover Leon.