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Hi everyone,

I wanted to show you what I've been working on. It's a new comic book style short story featuring Rose and her twin older brothers. It'll feature mostly female domination and mixed wrestling.

The premise of the story is as follows: It takes place a few months after the accident which triggered Rose's transformation from a fit and pettite college girl into a towering muscular amazon. She had been living in Key Lake City for some time before the accident  and her family back in Paris didn't know anything about what happened to her until she comes back home for holliday.

That first day back in her home in Paris was quite complicated for her and her family. It took a while for the whole new situation sank in and they become used to seeing Rose's new towering form.

The story takes place after a week has gone by and things had somewhat returned to normal. The family's interactions are as natural as ever and in a way, it had began to feel as if she had stayed with her family all this time.

One thing that has clearly changed is the interactions with her two brothers. Leon had always been protective or his younger sister and now he seems unsure how to act around her. He still feels protective, but is also extremely in awe of her new physique and strength and tries very hard to everything he can for her. Maurice, the second twin brother is almost the completely opposite story; he had always been a bit of a bully towards his smaller sister and now he feels  threatened by her physical superiority. He has become aggressive towards her and is indirectly asking Rose to teach him a valuable lesson.

I should be finishing the renders and dialogue in a few days. Once finished, I'll post it here as a reward for you guys!,

I'm open to fresh ideas, so if you would like to see something happen, do let me know.





Crisna Alaircon

Hello Kurt. I hope that your busy and working. I was somehow considered an essential worker so I have to work. These are weird times indeed. I recently watched some futa video with power girl and wonder woman fucking. High level animation honestly. The guy used blender rather than Daz. He grabbed the models for free from the NetherRealm video games. Wonder woman dick model was very realistic and huge. I'm surprised with what can be done with blender. I used 3ds max when I was in school. Not sure why you prefer Daz. I know 3ds Max isn't free and the license is crazy expensive if you're not a professional. That said I find your models good. What was it that you tweaked with zbrush?


Hi Crisna, I hope you are safe in these weird times. I do have to work on my day job as well, however I'm fortunate that my work activities I can do at home with my laptop and video conferencing. Regarding Blender, its a great platform for 3d design and animation. I do use it when I want to create new props, architecture or to make some type of fluid simulation. For example, in the images you see in this collage you can see a Bar trolley with a few bottles next to lamp table (middle -right and bottom-left) That prop I made with Blender specifically for this scene. I honestly haven't played much with Rigging and character animation in blender. I do know it takes a lot of work to get a character set up so every joint moves the right way and that you can get the face to emote correctly. I am learning more about blender every day, but I believe I'm still very far from being able to fully make a 3d character within that app. About Z-brush, I use it in three different situations, 1) When I make a character and can't get the proportions or the musculature to look exactly how I want it within DAZ, I export it at base resolution, take it to z-brush, adjust the body shape how I want it, then import it back into DAZ as a Morph for my character. 2) Fitting clothes to the model. Sometimes none of the settings that come with a piece of clothing helps to make it fit to a character like Rose with big muscles and breasts. Or sometimes it looks OK on the standard pose, but when you move her body parts for a new pose, some parts of her body might poke through the clothes or simply bend weird, so I use z-brush to push and pull the garments until the fit is right. 3) Deformations. Characters like Rose who have big muscles sometimes have poses which are complicated, for example if she did a bicep flex pose and bent her elbow all the way, her bicep and forearm will intersect. If it's too visible, then I take it to zbrush and play with the bicep and forearm to try to get it to bend and squish like two muscles would when pressed against each other. Other examples is where I use it is when one figure deforms another, like the image I posted before of Sarah Nova crushing a man's head between her boobs. I used Z-brush to deform the man's head to make it look like she was actually crushing it.