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Shortly after Vicky joined The Vixens, an exclusive group founded by Sofia and made up entirely of super powerful women, Vicky began to trust Sofia as a mentor who guided the younger metahuman into becoming in touch with her newfound strength and how to better interact with a world which has become too fragile for her.

Sofia learned that one of Vicky's greatest concerns was the well being of her new love interest, Tim. The first time they tried to have sex she unintentionally broke one of his ribs and even though that has not scared him away, she fears she might accidentally kill him one day.

Sofia, who has had her entire life to learn how to control her powerful body to perfection and who is considered the world's greatest elite escort, she knows perfectly how to make love to a fragile man and make it completely safe and the most intense experience of his life.

While she spent many nights with Vicky, teaching her how to make love safely, she also contacted Tim through one of her many businesses and called him for an interview. He had no idea what it was about until he was led into an office where Sofia was waiting for him. He had met Sofia before but still he was awestruck by the tall exotic amazon who greeted him warmly.

Sofia explained to Tim the reason she called him in. She wanted to help Vicky so she was offering a job to him as an accountant for one of her smaller businesses and she was going to teach him how to excel at making love to a super strong woman like her and Vicky without getting hurt.

Tim couldn't believe his luck, he was getting a dream job, working for one of the richest persons in the city and that same person was offering to teach him how to be a better lover. Everyone in the city knows who Sofia Lacroix is and that no one knows more about sex and pleasure giving than her and that for her clients, she charges one million dollars for just one hour with her. He didn't have to think twice about it and enthusiastically accepted.

Sofia smiled at his eagerness, stood up and removed her revealing long black dress. "Good, Now, take your clothes off and lets proceed with your entrance evaluation!"





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