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Diana visits a friend with benefits at his home one late afternoon. She was at her usual height of 3.5 meters (11,5 feet tall). He invites her to come in but asks her if she could shrink to a more average size so she can feet through the door, to which she answers that there is nothing average about her and as she says it, she removes her tailor made outfit dress and throws it to the side and then proceeds to grow to twice her already great size, reaching over 7 meters in height (23+ feet).

Diana's friend, is completely astonished by the sight of the woman towering over the roof of his home and just stands there frozen looking at her gigantic nude perfection. "Are you scared" she asked him, to which he replies "A little, yes". Diana smiles and sits down on the cold cement driveway and reclines to one side. "Good! A little fear is very good for motivation!" She then pulls her friend closer, removes his clothes as if he was a child's toy and sits him up on the side of her hips. "Now, how about you put that wonderful tongue of yours to good use!" She says in a tone which is inviting and commanding at the same time.

She pulls his head closer to her chest, bringing her nipple up against his lips. He opens up his mouth to let her thick hard nipple in, and soon realizes Diana's nipple is so large it just barely fits through the opening. His jaw stretches to its limit and opens up wide enough to take the nipples completely inside. Diana smiles with a little chuckle, "I wanted to grow much bigger for you, but I so wanted you to do this to me!" 





CW Moss
