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Catherine (Cassandra's older sister) and Brendan (Cassandra's husband's twin brother) got to know each other at their sibligns' wedding party. They had met before but did not interact much until the wedding when they hit it off.

They met each other for lunch and a coffee before he asked her out on a real date. They had a good time and yada-yada-yada, they spent the night together. There Brendan found out that what his brother warned him about was completely true. "Making love to one of the Murphy sisters is the most pleasurable and intense experience a man can have in is lifetime, but... expect a good dose of whiplash, sore muscles, quite a few bruises and  maybe, just maybe an ocassional cracked rib"

He understands she is not trying to hurt him, but its a consequence of having wild sex with a woman of seemingly endless stamina, who weighs over one Ton of solid muscle and is strong beyond imagination.

Brendan found out too that even with all that unintentional punishment, every time Catherine asked if he wanted to go again, he found himself responding "Yes please".





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