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A young man was sunbathing carelessly on a secluded beach. He had his eyes closed with a small eye protector underneath his sun glasses. Suddenly, he hears a woman's voice from behind him "Would you mind If I sun bathe here behind you?" He didn't mind the company one bit so without even looking he responded "Sure, go ahead"

Moments later he began to feel a little different, a certain aroma was in the air, thinly noticeable with all the sea breeze and other smells typical of the beach. Could be her lotion he thought, whatever it was it smelled really nice and arousing. He didn't know why but just from her presense and without having seen her, he was already hard. The silence was broken once again by her sweet melodic voice. "I'm really sorry!" she says "May I have a little of your sun lotion? I forgot to bring mine" That got his curiosity spiking, if that's not her lotion, then what is he smelling, could that wonderful aroma be her natural scent!?

He reaches for his lotion bottle, removes his eye protection and turns on his towel to look at her. The moment he opens his eyes he is welcomed by a sight he could have never imagined. He was almost completely surrounded by the most spectacular pair of woman's legs which were so long they started behind his head and ended on her feet way past his. Both her incredible legs converged on the most amazing pair of giant butt cheeks where peaked up like twin mountains. He then looked passed her goddess rump and is met her deep blue eyes looking back at him. She smiled and without missing a beat she asks "Could you help me put some lotion on my legs and back side?"

He was in shock, was she inviting him to touch her incredible anatomy? He tries to scream yes but his mind is in so much of a shock he couldn't remember how to speak. She waited patiently for him to regain his senses, since she is so used to this type of reaction. Finally he begins to breathe again, raises his oil bottle and says "We are going to need a bigger bottle!"





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