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I met Lily pretty much by chance one afternoon. My car broke down a couple of miles from my home and just as I was looking through my cell contacts to call for a tow truck she sees me and walks up to me. My heart skipped a beat the moment I saw her towering form. She asked me if I was going far and I answered that I was going around 30 blocks straight ahead. She told me she could take me if I wanted to; I said thank you but I didn't want to leave my car in the middle of the road. She smiled again and asured me, that wasn't going to be an issure, and before I could say anything else she scooped me up with one of her beautiful toned arms like a was a child and then did the same to my car, hoisting it up over her head with one arm effortlessly.

She walked the 30 blocks tirelessly and so easily, it looked like she was carrying helium baloons instead of a grown man and a 1 ton SUV. She took me home and I invited her to come in, but she told me she had to go. Just as she was about to leave, she gave me her card with her phone number on it.

I'm looking forward to calling her and meeting up with her again.





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