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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to apologize for the sudden lack of content the past few days. We had an incident at home, a fire on the roof of the house, and it burnt electric, tv cable, internet, phone, and some water pipes. Fortunately we were able to put out the fire promptly and little damage was done to the structure of the house and no one was hurt (other than my clumsy self fumbling to put it out).

So, what happened. First a little context. I live in Lima, the capital city of Peru. Our climate is humid but it doesn't rain that much, so little that our homes have flat roofs and we don't have much city infrastructure for floods and the like because we rarely get that much rain. Our houses are usually made of brick and not wood like in many other places, we have all the materials for brick and concrete readily available and large forests for timber are not that close to us, so its a lot cheaper to make heavy brick houses than lighter wooden ones. Since our roofs are flat, usually we have stuff up there like phone lines, internet, cable, and other things that come to us. We also have our private water tank up on the roof and some water pipes that go up from the pump at ground level.

The tank had old wiring (very old tank, over 20+ years), and the electric cable that feeds the sensors in the tank shorted out. We had covered all cables with some light roofing material to protect it from rain, and one of those covers caught on fire from the sparks from the cable, it then proceeded to burn all other cables around it and the water pipes going up to the tank.

We were fortunate that across the street there is a construction site for an apartment building and they are working on a few floors above my house and the workers saw the fire and let us know. I was able to climb on the roof with a fire extinguisher (always have one at home!) and put it out before it spread further. We still called the fire department to take a look.

The effect was we had to shut down all electricity until an electrician and crew could come and go through the entire installation and make sure there are no more short circuits. We also had to get replacement for the water tank, since the heat had warped it and was in danger of bursting at any moment. And had to call my internet provider so they come and redo all cable setups to my house.

We've been in this situation since Tuesday and we finally got electricity back and can turn my pc on. Still, things are a little hectic at home and probably tomorrow I'll be able to get back in the saddle to make more content.

I'll do my best to catch up with the comic and other posts I had in mind for you guys before everything got turned upside down.

Thank you for your patience.



Misty Crom

Very glad it was spotted and dealt with before it caused more serious damage or harm.


Stay safe! Here in Brazil we had horrible floods in the south, so many destruction, its understandable you will need some time.