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Dbs 82

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Darius Neisary

that fight goes crazy, aimin u should start doing double episodes for the filler


I hate how the changed his name from toppo to top I still call him toppo lmao love the reactions tho I can’t wait for the top so hypeeeee

Mitch Goodwin

He did not just say Yamcha was OP 😂😂😂😂


I think it's just a japanese translation thing, dont quote me but im pretty sure the "o" is some sort of grammatical thing.


Yamacha would 1v70

Robert Traeger

yeah the o is like our " 's " in this case so toppo would be top's which doesn't really make sense. The only the thing the dub did wrong in my opinion was..... the song. you all know the one.


please start to upload two episodes at a time


Such a good episode


Fr a other patreon guy named Dayashiathrists uploads 2 eps at a time it's a smart move and he and his GF finishes anime in my lifetime


I am more than 10 eps ahead then on YouTube and I am uploading as fast and as much as I can.


Andre us patreons don't have the same life I am uploading as fast and as much as I personally can.


Tournament of power is great lad you will really enjoy it, also upload whatever suits your schedule, think people seem to forget your a guy with a life and other things to be doing, you do you man.


I am excited to see the rest and thanks for understanding some ppl seem to lack that basic knowledge. 🙏

Ethan VanDerVeer

Bro when you said yamcha you had me dead bro he's OP lmao