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Dbs 81

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Maybe he got a life, idk :p


bro its only been 2 days mate


I really wished they kept the Japanese name for toppo instead of top.


100% I think pretty much everyone ignores the dub name and calls him toppo anyways haha

Koala Banana

I can tell you why. Leaving the -o at the end would indicate a misunderstanding of the Japanese language. If you don't know Japanese then of course you'd think there's no problem keeping the -o. But in Japanese the -o would change based on conjugation. It's not a proper part of the word. As an analogy imagine we called a pair of twins "the Andrews." Then they translated their names into Japanese as "Andrews 1" and "Andrews 2." We'd say their keeping the -s shows a misunderstanding of English. The -s was to pluralize, not part of the name. Similar situation with the -o. So ultimately the choice was about not offending the Japanese.


Just got the patreon enjoyed 10 vids in a day lets go


@koala banana that's actually wrong. Toppu is not a verb so it does not cognate to Toppo. Volitional form has no relevance here.. The word Toppo is just the katakana japanised version of the English word Top lol. They converted it back to Top purely for aesthetic reasons.