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Just a special shoutout to those of you still helping us pay the rent on this warehouse. Just want to let you know that thanks to your support we’ve shot four episodes of a VR miniseries that’s like VR Block Party if VR Block Party was pushed through a hell portal and came out the other side. Probably as much gameplay as an episode of Woah That’s A Let’s Play + maximum mayhem/pain. Hopefully the actual recordings survived the filming process intact. There’s been a lot of very fun/funny chaotic energy in the recordings lately so hopefully you dig the new stuff coming up. Today’s Wrong Side of Twitch might give you a small taste of the vibes. Same for our stream we did this week and a very smelly BTS coming this Sunday (I think). In any case, love you thank you see you in the comments.




hell yeah!! cant wait to see brett looking like a depressed father while his kids fight over the vr


SunChips here...I must say...it's been a TRUE HONOR to be featured in countless of your videos. I see my chips in every other video. I cry, everytime. Be strong Cow Chop, we are still here. I love you.