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Me, a warrior elite. In my finger tips I hold the power to destroy entire worlds. I am a saijin of royal blood, the last of my kind and on my shoulders rest the glory of an extinct warrior race. Whole civilizations once trembled at the sound of my name. But you didn't did you Kakarot and at your hands, your common hands my honor and my pride the foundations upon which I’ve always stood began to crumble at my feet. It was at your hands that I suffered my first humilating defeat. Toppled by a piece of low level trash. Imagine my added shame when it was you and not me who avenged our people by defeating Frieza. You who were the first to achieve the pinnacle of our race. The first in a thousand years to take a place among the Super Saijins of legend. A place that I've been raised to belive was my royal birthright. And imagine the added disgrace I suffered when the strength I worked my whole life to acquire was surpassed by a mere child. Your half-ling son succeeded where I, the Prince of all Saijins, failed. It is time to take back what is mine. I will not live my life as your second. That time is over. Every breath you take is an assault on my honor. But no more, by my hands you will be cut down inch by inch! THE WAY YOU HAVE CUT DOWN MY PRIDE!!!! I pushed myself to the edge of my limits and beyond. But you been born with a natural talent far beyond my own. No amount of training could have closed the gap between us. I realize that now. It was made painfully obvious to me today as I watched you battle with Babidi's monster. Imagine my shock to see the undeniable truth to discover that I would never be able to catch you. A warrior prince forever to livein the shadow of a low level clown. And that's when I secretly made up my mind. . . I knew if I let myself fall under his control the diffrence in our power would disappear. I'm quite pleased with the results. Even if they do come with a price. I say the end more than justifies the means. .. I wanted him to reawaken the evil in my heart. i wanted him to return to the WAY I WAS BEFORE !!! I WAS THE PERFECT WARRIOR! COLD AND RUTHLESS. I LIVED BY MY STRENGTH ALONE! UNINHIBITED BY FOOLISH EMOTIONS. But slowly, over the years, I became one of you. my quest for greatness gradually giving way to this life of mediocrisy. I awoke one day to find that I had settled down and formed a family. I had even grew quite fond of them... do you understand now Kakarot? That’s why I needed Babidi to set me free. By releasing the evil in my heart, he has freed me of these petty attachments. And I have to say it feels pretty good.




This is good stuff, fuck yall with your trash comments.

