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¿Qué preguntas le harían a una pareja nudista?

What questions would you have for a nudist/naturist couple?



As I was in a similar situation for years, I'm in the "lucky position" of being able to pass those questions that we often got on to you and your better half: 1. Don't you get bored seeing each other nude all the time? 2. Doesn't "seeing the meal" all the time, spoil your appetite? 3. Don't you get jealous, when see other people looking at your partner? 4. Do you plan to bring up your children "that way"? Don't you think it'll confuse them and make problems for them when they start school? 5. Have you considered having a clothesfree wedding by the seaside? 6. Which of you is the more enthusiastic nudist/naturist? Are there ever times you have to coax your partner to take part in clothesfree activities? 7. How do you two react as a couple when someone who doesn't know the lifestyle presumes that you're swingers? 8. Don't you feel pressure to stay fit and eat less when your partner can see your every wrinkle and fold all the time? 9. Do you usually socialise in a circle of other naturist couples or do you have "normal friends" too? Those are the questions that came to mind first. If I can remember any other ones we got, I'll be happy to pass them on!


Lol thank you for coming up with the script of our video 😆 much appreciated!


Cuando se conocieron ya sabía que uno de los dos, o los dos, eran nudistas?


Cuál fue la reacción de uno y de otro?


Fué fácil/difícil acoplarse al estilo de vida?


1. Siempre están desnudos en casa o algunas veces sienten deseos de ponerse alguna ropa? 2. Qué aceptación han tenido con amigos y familiares que no son nudistas? 3. Alguna vez has tenido problemas controlando tu erección en situaciones sociales?