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Por mucho tiempo temí que algún día YouTube eliminaría mi canal, hoy sucedió. Existe un proceso para apelar la decisión pero no sé si vaya servir de algo. Lo intentaré y los mantendré informados. Afortunadamente tengo una copia de todos mis videos y estaré explorando alternativas.

For a long time I feared that someday YouTube would delete my channel, today it finally happened. There is a process to appeal the decision but I don't know if it will be of any use. I will try and keep you informed. Fortunately I have a copy of all my videos and I will be exploring alternatives.




I'm sorry to hear man, it is upsetting that people so quickly jump to sexuality when it comes to nudity and hope that you can move forward from this. We will still be here for you! If you need anything from us, just let us know!


I appreciate the support!


Try onlyfans.


Try Vimeo


Bua .. que mal! 😐


“Graphic sexual content” que abuso Que relajo de You tube Hector, inicia un canal en Vimeo Ellos son algo más serios y respetuosos


Geez I'm sorry Hector, I know how frustrated you must be! That's total BS, if you ask me, how so many people just automatically link nudity to sex - there was absolutely no graphic sexual content in those videos at all! You should try Vimeo, that might work better. Don't worry brother, you still have my support, and hopefully this damper won't keep you from continuing to set a good example for the nudist community.


Thanks for the support and suggestions guys, I’m going to attempt the appeal process and at the same time search for an alternative platform. Let’s see what good comes from this.


As a Patron member, keep the content coming!


Vimeo allows naturist videos (in fact most nudity)


Hay otras empresas Héctor y debemos quitarles poder a estas empresas manipuladoras, no sólo eres tu hay muchos YouTuber que se están cambiando, lbry no se si sirva o como comentan los otros compañeros, apoyo por que YouTube deje de funcionar cambiemonos a otros sitios


Vimeo es buena opción cuanta con muchos grupos naturistas