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Hoy estaba planeando subir este video donde Caro y Angie nos comparten su experiencia saliendo del closet nudista. Pero antes de poder subtitularlo YouTube lo eliminó por violación a sus lineamientos comunitarios. Esto es muuuuy común y normalmente después de apelar la decisión me lo regresan en algunas horas. Estaré al pendiente y si me lo regresan lo compartiré con ustedes lo más pronto posible.


So I was working on the subtitles of this video to share it on Patreon and YouTube decided to eliminate it do to a violation on its community standards. This is very common and normally I have to appeal their decision and it takes a few hours for them to return it. So I'll be on the look out and will share asap.




Hiya Has there been any news regarding the end of your wrongly pronounced YouTube exile? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for you and your account!


Lol yup the video is back, now all I have to do is subtitle it and I’ll be posting in a few hours


I’m also working on another video at the same time. 😎