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Hey guys, I have been working on the next English language video for a few days now and I'd like to ask your input. The idea behind this video is to start a conversation on the areas of opportunity that naturism faces today and what people can do to help strengthen it and grow in a post Covid19 era.
Please share your opions with me.



Hello. From my point of view, especially in countries like Italy where the virus has hit hard, it will be very problematic to resume a normal life until there is a vaccine. Regarding naturism, I think it will change little. In fact, the places where to practice are usually isolated and rarely crowded.


Saluti Marcello


Pros and cons here, for sure. Well obviously, I can see it's going to hurt especially our smaller resorts and groups across the US and worldwide, especially where there's little to no digital presence. With so many people now communicating through text and video chat, when this pandemic ends I can tell there will be definitely a stronger digital presence among the younger, more tech-savvy crowds (which has been the direction with the younger people even before COVID-19, but it will be even stronger from now on), and the key way especially these smaller resorts/clubs will be able to survive will have to be expanding into more digital platforms and just different naturist groups having to have options for both digital and physical meeting activities (when all's well to be together again, of course). I think for some of these more international platforms (like yours, Hector), it's a great way to reach out for international support and a way to also unite us all as nudists throughout the world. Obviously, there will always be an audience to meet in a physical presence, though. It's just going to take some time to be able to bring these people back (and they will come back eventually), but big way is to also communicate digitally.