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Hii everyone~

I'm just sharing with you something exciting that I have been working on, just as a littttle update for you all 😊

Originally I was going to make the POV sucking bun bun dick vid the normal way (in VRChat), and then make the fuck video a different way... butt I just couldn't contain myself, soooo I decided to make the bun bun vid in that special way... and that is as an animation 😄

I've been wanting to transition to making animations for a longg time now , as I realized that most likely the content will end up being significantly better, both visually and content wise (what is possible to do etc you can imagine 😉😩 ). There are so many frustrating creative limitations with making vrchat content, as I am literally limited by the barriers of a game, whereas with animations I can control absolutely every aspect of it and make pretty much whatever I imagine a reality.

The quality boost will be significant, It will make my videos a lot more professional, and of course the main aim, to make them as hot as possible 

I've had to learn a hell of a lot, but I've got the skills now to make this a reality. 

The only downside is the time they take to produce, so I have been figuring out workflows to make production as expedient as possible, but still, there are things that I currently cannot get around, like render times (to give you an idea, it takes ~70 hours (~3 days 💀) just to render a 10min animation, yeh I know 😭😭😭) not to worry though, I am working on getting more GPUs in the coming weeks/months so I will be able to get content out quicker ⚡

I wish I could post more updates, but I really don't like showing stuff off until it is completed, I have posted a few BTS screenshots in the discord wip channel though if you are interested in seeing that (https://discord.com/invite/uMtZ2pD8Tt). Also, feel free to dm me if you want to see certain things or test renders, I'll be happy to show you.

Just off the top of my head, here are a list of things that will be possible in animation:

- Realistic penetration (asshole dilating, tummy bulging etc, as well as anal gaping etc)

- Dick throbbing (and other stuff such as breathing etc)

- Realistic fluid sims (realistic cumming, sweat, saliva etc)

- More realistic contact (less/no clipping, also could do visible grabbing so that flesh is compressed etc)

- Custom sets (I have access to 10,000s of asset models now that I can use, so I can make some very nice sets for any idea)

- Wider range of scenarios

- More cinematic (better camera work, more realistic POV shots)

- More physics (larger range of objects can have physics)

- Multiple actors (i can basically have as many people as I want in a video)

- More Voice actors (I plan on paying voice actors in the future , so that I can have a wider variety of characters)

- Scene interaction (stuff like props moving, soft/squishy interaction etc)

- Special effects (mist, smoke, lighting, explosions, composited effects, other simulated effects etc)

- Overall better lighting, composition etc

tldr, animations will be a big upgrade, imagine the visual quality of an animated film, but it's hot femboy porn instead. Main downside is that they take longer to produce (for now anyway, I hope in the future I can keep to a 1x a week schedule, that would be amazing) for now though I will work without a schedule, and basically just release the content when It is ready to be released. I don't want to put all this effort in, just to rush a crucial bit and end up reducing the quality!

I am also trying to play with the art style a bit, the models I use will probably be changed a bit/a lot to make them suit the style better. The aim is always to make them as cute and hot as possible of course~

I also am working on a new version of the human luxxi avatar that will be suitable for animations, he'll be a similar design, but with a lot of changes to make him even cuter and hotter~ 

Also will be introducing more and more characters in the coming months, a range of human, fantasy and furry stuff~ There are so many things I want to do, but I need the models. I am working on a method currently to speed up character production drastically. 

Also, this does not mean that I have stopping doing VRchat vids entirely, they still have a place, and also, I am currently not sure how much you will like the animations in the end, so please don't think that any changes are permanent. You guys, as well as the statistics for the vids, will be the judge 😳😳😳

I will also be working on upgrading the website, so that it will look better, you'll notice these changes in the coming weeks.

I will post more updates as the video(s) near completion


I'm so grateful for all of your support 🙏, seriously, it means the world to me, I can't thank you enough! Without you all I would not be able to produce this content, let alone dream of making animations, seriously, THANK UUUU 😚😚😚 *gives u kisses*  with your help I will keep improving the quality of content, until it is the best! Wish I could give you a big cuddle 

If you have any questions pleasse message me wherever, I'm happy to answer any or provide you with more information 😊 I don't want to keep you in the dark about anything!

Hope you have a wonderful day~


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