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Comment with your questions so we can do an audio Q and A regarding recent projects. Will be uploaded as a podcast for the $8+ Backers.



Favorite Outkast feature? Favorite limited fast food item that wasn't the spicy mcnuggets?

Danny Bell

What form of media have you never created that you would like to one day?

Danny Bell

Bonus question: Would you ever consider bringing back the movie reviews by request? Those were really interesting, it was good to insights into a movie you might never have watched otherwise.

Timothy Washam

What your favorite spike Lee joint?

Timothy Washam

Also we know you take a lot of inspiration from the 90s and early 2000s media production and editing. Has there been anything recently in media recently that gave you inspiration and made you change your craft? Also, if komyar there when is his yugio abridged coming out?

Timothy Washam

Are you a fan of wrestling?

Justin De la Cruz

Advice on how to bargain/not get ripped off on buying and selling equipment?