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It will focus on some of the business and market aspects of voice over.. stay tuned!


Danny Bell

I can't wait for this one. I'm not a voice actor, but I've had to hire them and whenever I've had people ask me about VO I've sent them your series to watch. It's really informative.


one more step closer to becoming a famous Funimation voice actor, see you guys on the flipside.

Danny Bell

Just listened to this video, great stuff. I definitely pay more for professional editing and it takes a lot longer, but it's so worth it if you want to be taken seriously with projects in the long run. I just got nominated for a couple of awards from the last project, and I know for a fact without that editing it wouldn't have happened like that.

Danny Bell

My favorite part of the video though was the advice of listening to the director. My last project had ten different voices on it. Two of them refused to take my direction and I wouldn't need to tell you who they were. And as much as I like them as people, I wouldn't hire them again. I would quietly hire someone else.