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Wanted to do another one of these. Will also explain and display the fate of the "lens shootout" promised last month. Comment some questions you feel will help you out in the field and I'll answer them in a Patreon exclusive podcast. Thanks!



Dont know if this is related to filmmaking but how do handle your finances like(food,water,cloth etc.). Since you dont make money off of youtube and I assume your patreon money goes to budget your projects .


How do you come up with your great comedic lines? are you just born with the talent or develop these skills through experience?


Looking into CCD/Tube ENG cameras, what's your take on them?


If you had 100k, how would you use it for a fresh start into filmmaking?


What was your biggest reason for switching from the Sony F3 to the Red One. Anything you like better about the F3, and was it your first time grading Slog? I don't always have time to catch each stream so if you've already talked about it you can just shoot me that way.