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  • C09 11 storyboard snippet.mp4



We know it's been very quiet since the anime Kickstarter has ended back in January but we now have a little bit to show you!

As of writing this May 2nd 2024, the following stages of production have been completed:

1. Screenplay
2. Storyboard
3. Voice Over
4. Sound editing
5. Musical score and licensing

And the stages that are currently in the works are character design and Layout.

Firstly, here is the newest version of Nicole!

Along with a few expressions!

As you can see, the style for this anime (now that we have budget thanks to your Kickstarter backing) has taken a more detailed look. The original vision when setting out to do the anime was really displaying the contrast of American humor with refined Japanese art style. Similar to the original games in a way.
One inspiration for this look was a variety of works from Studio Kyoto Animation, as many of their works set the tone for something rather serious, the prospect of characters looking like that and going to Chipotle or whatever should prove to be quite the spectacle.

While we're at it, here's the newest version of Jecka!

Not only that, we have some newcomers to the anime realm of Class of '09!

There will be many more characters than just these, we're getting the sheets polished as we go due to production crunch.

Here are a few sheets we have for props, see if you can guess who will hold what!

Along with these character and props, here's a WIP of one of the classrooms

These backgrounds start as 3D structures and then are painted over! Recognize this place?

And here's a little teaser for Layout... this is the magical CUT 4!

Now obviously what separates Class of '09 apart from other online animations and anime is the performance and writing the characters are expressed through, attached is a snippet from our animatic (storyboard cut to the audio)

Of course another questions will be: WHAT WILL THE EPISODE BE ABOUT?
A brief synopsis you'd find when browsing the cable guide would be something along the lines of: "Nicole sets out for a highly collectible piece of music memorabilia while Jecka wages an all out revenge-war on Hot Topic"

If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for your backing!



cant wait omgggggg