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Fugu LIVE廃止になるので、Fugu Brotherに変更をお願いいたします。新たにFugu Familyというレベルが登場します 😁



楽しんでもらえると嬉しいです 😌💕

炭酸ジュースをもっと追加で飲んで、ゲップをたくさんしている追加動画はFugu Friendへ🎂

益々大きくなったお腹を叩いたり、こすったり、寝転がったりと色んな方向から撮影している追加動画はFugu Brotherへ🍔

たこ焼きを食べるvore動画をの追加動画はFugu Familyへ🍱

This month marks the 2nd anniversary of making eating videos.‼️☺️

Thank you very much to all the fans who have always supported us that we have been able to continue this far.😆💓

From now on, I would like to continue to enjoy eating a lot like FUGU-chan. Please continue to support us.🙏✨️

And the plan will change from this month.

If you want , you can resubscribe to FUGU BROTHER because it will be discontinued from FUGU LIVE. A new level of FUGU FAMILY will be released😁

This video is a video after making a large amount of takoyaki and having a party with everyone.‼️😋

I'm already having a big belly, but I'm still drinking takoyaki and carbonated juice.😄

I hope you enjoy it😌💕

I drink more carbonated juice and burp in additional videos for Fugu Friend🎂

For additional videos taken from various directions, such as hitting, rubbing, or lying down, go to FUGU BROTHER🍔

For additional videos of Vore videos eating takoyaki, go to fugu family🍱

