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2024.03.01 YouTubeLIVE 😋という投稿のLive動画をvimeoで見れるようにしたので下の#live関連投稿1をクリック、タップしてください!

The other day, a video that was only posted on sponsor pages was posted outside, so I decided to move the past LIVE video to Vimeo first.

2024.03.01 You can now view the live video posted on YoutubeLive on Vimeo, click on the LIVE related post below.


Blue Amethyst

I saw the vids on fanbox and there’s recent videos on there that are NOT on Patreon. Hopefully you’re not scamming your fans.

Blue Amethyst

I’m not trying to be rude, but it’s misleading to your patron on here bc they’re not getting the same content posted on Pixiv


Can you please give an example? They all appear to be the same to me, which is my intention. Perhaps there is a glitch if you are not seeing certain videos.