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Time for me to get all Kevin Feige and metaphorically stand on stage and go over each potential planned project.

The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 3 Expanded

I think the biggest issue the programme had was each director having different priorities, with episodes 2 and 5 integrating natural characterisation and world building, while 3 and 6 failed to explain some things. This will be a series of pages filling in gaps in that episode, not contradicting, but expanding what was there to better establish the Mods and Boba's time as a Tusken, There will also be some NSFW art off it, like Drash showing all the speed settings on that arm of hers.

The Reunion II

Set after the events of TROS, Finn and Rey's pasts come back to haunt them in this silly jaunt. A patreon goal, maybe this year we'll get there and more?

Crimson Dawn II

Having returned to Dathomir, Qi'ra is informed by Maul that the Crimson Dawn's operations are threatened by the likes of the Hutts and the Pykes. Qi'ra goes undercover within the ranks of the Black Sun, but its leader Prince Xizor is aware something is afoot...

This story will likely be told in comic form, opposed to storybook as the first Crimson Dawn story was. It will feature some animations, and reincorporating old Legends stories in a new setting.

The Book of Garsa Fwip

“They call us slaves. They call us entertainment. They call us decoration. They call us Twi’leks. But I am Rylothian, and I will take from them what is mine.”

A potential project, a lewd comic following Garsa Fwip from before the Clone Wars through to the timeline of The Book of Boba Fett. This is one project I feel is complicated. I like emotion to my story, (that means I like to have bummer endings) as you've seen in The Trade and Crimson Dawn, and it's a story that the one bit of dialogue I've included implies a lot. It could potentially be a really impactful story but it's also a bit of a dampener on something that should be alluring. But also making it just flippant feels inauthentic to this world and character...I shall figure it out in time.

Other Star Wars projects on the cards, some old canon favourites of Mara Jade, Guri, Winter Celchu and more, a collaboration with another artist (just waiting for them to finish their part) and some white and blue and green skinned ladies.

The OC Story - Yet to be Titled

Trish moved to Australia from Ireland in 2019, and trying to start a new life for herself she thinks she's just found the person to start it with. American Kodi is abandoned by her boyfriend, trapped in a strange country, but things might be taking a turn for the better. Joined by Trish's housemate Alison, whose new adult oriented adventure takes many turns for the strange, the character's dark pasts haunt them and push them to their limits...

The Emporium Wave 2 and 3

The neon soaked halls continue to add to their roster, with lots of twists to be found within. Strap in because things are going to get wild.



All sound so great! Particularly looking forward to the Crimson Dawn story (because, you know, more Qi’ra is never a bad thing!), Garsa Fwip comic and oc’s story. As well as the new Emporium waves :)


Perfect!!!I cannot wait for all! <3

Alun Lewis

All of these projects sound amazing...but I have to say that I'm most stoked for the BoBF flesh-out project (in all senses of that phrase :D) and the tale of Garsa Thwip and her rise to power.